From comforting mocha tones to deep blues and bright yellows, here are the standout shades from top paint and colour brands worldwide, and hints on how to use them
As the new year unfolds, the world of interior design is awash in a kaleidoscope of fresh hues, each promising to set the tone for 2025. From bold, dramatic yellows to deep blues and serene, grounding neutrals, the colours of the year, as chosen by top international paint and colour experts, reflect a collective longing for comfort, elegance and optimism.
These shades aren’t just a celebration of beauty—they’re an invitation to reimagine your spaces with personality and purpose. We explore some of the standout colour selections for 2025 below, along with the creative ways you can incorporate them into your home for a vibrant and inspired start to the year.
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1. Mocha Mousse, Pantone

Warming and rich, the colour of the year selected by the Pantone Color Institute for 2025 is Mocha Mousse, a brown tone reminiscent of chocolate and delectable coffee. Answering a “desire for comfort”, this shade strikes a balance between sophisticated and down-to-earth, appealing to the senses all around.
Intimate, approachable and indulgent, it’s a shade that can stand on its own, serve as a foundation to build up your personal colour palette, or enhance other surrounding hues, regardless of your interior style.