From identical outfits to more than a handful of love-focused holidays, here’s how Korean couples express love through daily life
In South Korea, romance isn’t just about private displays of affection—it’s woven into the fabric of everyday life, with couples embracing a distinctive approach to dating and relationships. From coordinated fashion choices to specially designated holidays, Korean couple culture has become a significant aspect of modern social life, influencing young people across the world.
Read more: A K-pop and K-drama fan’s ultimate guide to South Korea
While some might view certain aspects of Korean couple culture, which is prevalent in K-dramas, as excessive, it represents a celebration of romantic relationships and provides structure and meaning to modern dating practices. It’s an archetype of how technology, tradition, and romance can coexist and thrive together.

Matching outfits: More than just clothing
One of the most visible aspects of Korean couple culture is the prevalence of matching outfits, known as “커플룩” (keopluk), which means “couple look”. This public declaration of love is when partners wear identical or complementary clothing, ranging from subtle matching accessories to fully coordinated ensembles.
Popular choices include:
- Identical T-shirts with complementary designs
- Matching trainers or shoes
- Coordinated winter coats and jackets
- Similar accessories like watches or phone cases
- Couple keychains
- Identical passport holders or travel accessories
See also: Korean celebrity fashion: From K-pop to K-fashion
This practice gained momentum in the early 2000s and continues to evolve, with many Korean fashion brands now offering dedicated couple collections. Unlike in many Western countries, where matching outfits might seem over the top, in Korea, it’s a celebrated way for couples to express their connection.