As Cloversoft turns ten this year, co-founder Angela Sim reminisces about its journey and how the fear of death inspired the creation of her plant-based, sustainable personal care brand
Angela Sim, co-founder and CEO of consumer brand Cloversoft, has always been scared of death. She believes that the fear was triggered by the passing away of her caregiver when she was just three years old. “I still haven’t figured that out,” she says, her voice tapering away as she tries to rationalise her fear.
We’re sitting in the conference room of Cloversoft’s office in Singapore, and her co-founder and chief marketing officer Lynn Yeo chimes in: “[Angela] is very worried about accidents and death, and she will buy things I would never have thought about. [For example], she bought all of us [colleagues] a glass breaker so if we’re stuck in a car and the car goes under the water we can break the glass and swim out.”
Their double act is funny and charming, but this morbid-comic admission belies the driving force behind Cloversoft. Sim and Yeo built the brand to create safe and healthy consumer goods for the skin and the environment. “It’s for the prevention of cancer or skin issues,” says Sim sheepishly. “I have none of this but it’s in my head. I don’t want cancer, don’t want illnesses, don’t want skin problems to aggravate.”

Starting Cloversoft
The idea for Cloversoft was sparked when Sim met a scientist in China who was developing bamboo tissues. That’s when she learnt how the ubiquitous white tissue paper is bleached and damaging for the skin. In conducting further research, she also discovered that bamboo is more eco-friendly and requires less water to grow. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, bamboo is also better for the environment because it’s grass and not a tree, so it grows faster and occupies less space.
“Bamboo is sustainable, durable and tough,” Sim explains, adding that the bamboo Cloversoft uses is not the type that pandas eat.
Realising this, Sim and Yeo quit their jobs as investment banking directors at HSBC to start Cloversoft in 2014.
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